¿Cómo agregar grasa para rodamientos de motor?

So in order to reduce the failure rate of the motor, the motor bearings need to be regularly serviced and maintained, test the motor bearing temperature, timely detection of problems, and regular greasing.

So how long is the cycle of greasing the motor? What is the filling quantity?

What kind of grease to choose?

motor bearing

As a professional electrical personnel, in addition to repairing electrical equipment, should learn more about the maintenance skills of the equipment.

but also according to some motor factory on the bearing requirements of the time to refill, they are generally calculated by running hours!


Motor bearing refueling

When the motor refueling according to the motor bearing lubricating oil situation to determine, generally in the production site can be in the usual maintenance, small repair, according to the motor bearing lubricating oil situation to decide,

if the lubricating oil less can be timely supplement, if the lubricating oil deterioration should be all replaced, at the same time in the overhaul regardless of the motor bearing lubricating oil situation, should be all replaced.

bearing 2

Motor bearing refueling method

1, usually, small repair supplement lubricant, can according to the situation of the bearing within the pendulum lubricant gouge off some, and then supplement a little lubricant;.

2, overhaul all replacement, first of all, the motor rotor pull out the stator, then use gasoline to clean well, and wait for all completely dry, and then refueling and refueling quantity for the bearing room gap 1/3-1/2 can, can not refuel too much otherwise the bearing is easy to heat damage.

Mobil grease

First of all, choose the correct grease, then add grease according to the following requirements.

① Pay attention to the surrounding environment, must keep the grease pure, do not let the dust, sand blown into and metal particles and other impurities mixed in.

② Tools such as fingers or bamboo must be clean.

When adding oil to the bearing cover, it is not advisable to add too much, to account for 60% to 70% of the oil cavity of the bearing cover.

④ When adding oil on the bearing, just add grease until it can seal the steel ball flatly.

Consulte al fabricante del motor eléctrico como se muestra a continuación para obtener más información sobre el motor eléctrico;

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