
Category: Uncategorized


Knowledge about electric motor rotors

There are many different parts of the electric motor, today we will talk about some knowledge about the rotor of the electric motor. Why does


5 ways to start the electric motor

There are many ways to start an electric motor, including direct start, autotransfer, Y-Δ voltage reduction, soft starter, frequency converter and so on. So what


Electric motor classification mini-class!

What is the difference between a brushless motor and a brushed motor? What is the difference between a synchronous motor and an asynchronous motor? How


Physical basics of electric motors

1. The physical principle of electric motor work 1.1 Maxwell’s system of equations The electric motor is a transducer that constantly converts electromagnetic energy and


Why is the electric motor shaft magnetic?

In a repair shop, in a wound rotor high voltage electric motor, for the rotor winding phase failure. The careful worker found that the small

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